
QuickBooks is an accounting software that helps small and medium size businesses manage and pay bills, accept business payments and payroll functions.


QuickBooks is an accounting software that helps small and medium size businesses manage and pay bills, accept business payments and payroll functions.

Data & Metrics

Account List
  • uuid
  • account
  • company id
  • type
  • detail type
  • description
  • balance
Aged Payable Detail
  • uuid
  • company id
  • date
  • transaction type
  • num
  • vendor
  • due date
  • past due
  • amount
  • open balance
  • uuid
  • company id
  • account
  • total
Cash Flow
  • uuid
  • company id
  • account
  • total
Company Info
  • id
  • company id
  • company addr city
  • company addr country
  • company addr country sub division code
  • company addr id
  • company addr line1
  • company addr postal code
  • company name
  • company start date
  • customer communication addr city
  • customer communication addr country
  • customer communication addr country sub division code
  • customer communication addr id
  • customer communication addr line1
  • customer communication addr postal code
  • domain
  • email address
  • fiscal year start month
  • legal addr city
  • legal addr country
  • legal addr country sub division code
  • legal addr id
  • legal addr line1
  • legal addr postal code
  • legal name
  • meta data create time
  • meta data last updated time
  • primary phone free form number
  • sparse
  • supported languages
  • sync token
  • Id
  • ApplyTaxAfterDiscount
  • Balance
  • BillAddr
  • BillEmail
  • CustomerMemo
  • CustomerRef
  • CustomField
  • Deposit
  • DocNumber
  • domain
  • DueDate
  • EmailStatus
  • Line
  • LinkedTxn
  • MetaData
  • PrintStatus
  • SalesTermRef
  • ShipAddr
  • sparse
  • SyncToken
  • TotalAmt
  • TxnDate
  • TxnTaxDetail
  • Id
  • Active
  • AssetAccountRef
  • domain
  • ExpenseAccountRef
  • FullyQualifiedName
  • IncomeAccountRef
  • InvStartDate
  • MetaData
  • Name
  • PurchaseCost
  • QtyOnHand
  • sparse
  • SyncToken
  • Taxable
  • TrackQtyOnHand
  • Type
  • UnitPrice
Profit And Loss Detail
  • uuid
  • company id
  • date
  • transaction type
  • num
  • name
  • memo description
  • split
  • amount
  • balance
Transaction List
  • uuid
  • company id
  • date
  • transaction type
  • num
  • postings
  • name
  • memo description
  • account
  • split
  • amount
Trial Balance
  • uuid
  • company id
  • account
  • debit
  • credit

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